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Blanca Rico

The PLP broadened my understanding of women’s rights,
gender and
health in other countries."

- Blanca Rico, Mexico



News and Updates

DB LogoThe PLP is partiticipating in UN and Partners Workplan for Sudan 2009. The proposed project, entitled 'Strengthening Community Health Education in Blue Nile State,' aims to build rural healthwork capacity in nine cities in Blue Nile State.

Roberto AdorPLP Fellow Roberto Ador, Executive Director of the Family Planning Organization of the Philippines, is quoted in Time Magazine's article entitled, "The Philippines' Birth Control Battle."

MansourPLP Fellow Dr. Eltayeb Mustafa Mansour, Deputy Manager of the Sudan National AIDS Program, addresses the United Nations General Assembly on June 11, 2008.

The video for it is here: http://www.un.org/webcast/aidsmeeting2008/index.asp?go=200

Sudan MOH   Blue Nile State Digital Stories Now Online

Promoting Change in Reproductive Health (PRACHAR)

PLP Fellow Sita Shankar (Cohort 7, India) oversees the PRACHAR program for Pathfinder in India and has four articles featured currently on the Pathfinder website (www.pathfind.org).

FMF animated logo

Maria Luisa Sanchez-Fuentes (PLP Cohort 2, Mexico) will be presented with the Eleanor Roosevelt Award at the Feminist Majority Foundation's Fourth Annual Global Women's Rights Awards Gala in Los Angeles, in May 2008. Maria Luisa is being recognized for her work in Mexico to change the status quo on reproductive justice and for contributing to advancing the rights of women and girls. The other award nominees for that evening include Dr. Solomon Orero of Kenya, who fights tirelessly against restrictive Kenyan abortion laws and the US-imposed Global Gag Rule, and Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Executive Director of UNFPA, who for over 30 years has advocated for women's health and equality. Feminist Majority website

Viony Ohdar

Vinoy Ohdar, PLP Fellow from cohort 7, conducts a study on the status of primary health care in Bihar State, India

Ramon San Pascual participated at the Population Research Bureau's Regional Conference on Population, Health, and Environment, held in Addis Ababa from November 14-06, 2007. He reports that the PLP family presence at the conference was impressive: Gelila Kidane attended representing EngenderHealth, former PLP evaluation GA Heather D'Agnes was in attendance representing USAID, and her former roommate Gibson Clark attended for the Woodrow Wilson Center. Mon presented for the PHE Network in the Philippines.

Woman Made Miracle

Interview with PLP Fellow Maria Luisa Sanchez-Fuentes, a "Woman-Made Miracle," on RH Reality Check's website.

Fourth bi-annual Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health (APCRSH)

Abhijit Das (Cohort 3, India) and Aaron Katz presenting on panels at the International Leadership Association's annual conference>

Abhijit Das (Cohort 3, India), Founder of MASVAW ( Men's Action for Stopping Violence Against Women), will speak at the Marc Lindenberg Center

Ramon San Pascual (Cohort 4, Philippines), Executive Director of the Philippine Legislator's Committee on Population and Development, will be conducting a three-day advocacy training in Addis Ababa

PLP is co sponsoring a National Leadership Summit meeting in Karachi, Pakistan

Leadership/Management training will be held for district health care professionals in Blue Nile State (BNS) in Sudan

Leadership/Management Teaching training will be conducted with selected School of Public Health (SPH) faculty from Gondar and Jimma universities in Ethiopia

Segun Fatusi (Cohort 3, Nigeria) a Professor at Obafemi Awolowo University, is co-charing the international conference

PLP Quicktime Video image

PLP Celebration Video

PLP Director Aaron Katz receives the American Public Health Association's 2006 Award for Excellence

Mexico's Capital Plans to Legalize Abortion

Laurie Garrett

Challenge of Global Health by Laurie Garrett and Responses

Karim - Pakistan

International Women's Day - Pakistan 2006


Adolescent Youth Advocate Training in the Philippines


In-Country Advocacy Skills Enhancement Workshop, Uganda