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Global Health Leadership Program

Program Overview

The Global Health Leadership Program (GHLP), a partnership between the University of Washington Department of Global Health (DGH) and Sudan’s Federal Ministry of Health (MOH), aims to strengthen the leadership and management capacity of Sudan’s public health system. Funded by the World Bank/Multi-Donor Trust Fund, GHLP will train 35 experienced health professionals from 10 states in Sudan, including a one-quarter fellowship at UW DGH for 15 of these trainees. In addition, the program will work with the Federal MOH to help build its capacity to carry out similar leadership and management training programs on an ongoing basis.

The GHLP grew out of an initial partnership between the PLP and the Federal MOH that brought a pilot two-week leadership and management training to Blue Nile State in 2008. After the success of this first initiative, efforts were undertaken to expand the program to additional Sudanese states, and the GHLP was launched. Five GHLP Fellows will study for one quarter at the UW starting in January 2009. In mid-2009, a 5-week leadership and management module will be held in Khartoum in five phases over three months for all 35 GHLP Fellows. Finally, in September 2009 ten more GHLP Fellows will study at the UW during Autumn Quarter.

For a link to a description of our program of the Department of Global Health website, please click here.

Current GHLP Fellows - Autumn 2009


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