Request For Proposals
May 2008 Training: Sexual and Reproductive Health, Nairobi
AMREF International Training Centre is pleased to announce the training course in:
Sexual and Reproductive Health
Course Dates: 12 May - 23 May 2008, Nairobi
Fees: US$480
Overall Objective:
To give participant orientation to a holistic approach on Sexual and Reproductive Health as part of the general health of people and development
Specific Objectives:
By the end of this course participants will be able to:
- Define and reach a consensus on what Sexual and Reproductive Health is.
- Clarify perceptions of Sexual and Reproductive Health issues.
- Link Reproductive Health with the overall health system.
- Identify the link between Reproductive Health and human development.
- Design a Reproductive Health Program.
- Understand how to set up Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs at the community.
- Identify and design approaches to the promotion of Reproductive Health.
- Plan, implement, manage, monitor and evaluate Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs.
- Explain the concept and components of gender in reproductive health
Course Organization:
The course is organized to fulfill the acquisition of knowledge to enable participants carry out the following learning objectives:
- Conceptualizing (conceiving ideas and molding them into tangible
- Planning (developing and determining a correct and clear path of
progression and forward movement, breaking the program into manageable
components, which are easy to track and redirect. It is often pragmatic to
draw a matrix that presents you with a bird's eye view).
- Organizing (identifying the right resources, defining their
functions and operations, correctly assigning them tasks and giving task
descriptions, setting targets and monitoring their achievements).
- Implementing (facilitating the most effective direction,
co-coordinating, linking and supportive human resource management).
- Monitoring (tracking activities and resource expenditures, through
an effective and well designed information system).
- Evaluating (assessing the progress of the strategic objectives
through a results framework measurement).
- The RH manager and the role of regular service audit system,
incorporating, self-audit and peer review.
- Re-planning (utilizing the evaluation findings to review the
original plans towards increasing efficiency and effectiveness).
- Financing and financial management (understanding the sources of
financing and effective ways of finance mobilization. Effective utilization of available finances. Carrying out a cost effective and cost benefit analysis. Instituting a financial management system. Accounting, auditing and cost tracking).
- Getting the most out of the workers, techniques and practices in
staff motivation.
- Setting, organizing, equipping, staffing and managing RH clinics.
- Explain the relationship between gender and sexual and reproductive health.
- Understand the project cycle
- Design a gender sensitive community based sexual reproductive health project integrating health systems.
- Identify and design effective approaches for advocacy and promotion of sexual and reproductive health rights.
Apply Online by clicking on the given link;
For further information and booking contact us now
AMREF International Training Centre
Lang'ata Road, opp. Wilson Airport
P O Box 27691 00506, Nairobi
Phone: +254 (20) 6993000 or Fax: +254 (20) 609 518
Website: or or
2008 Medico-Legal Convening in Reponse to Sexual Violence
Venue: The Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
Dates: 2nd June - 5th June 2008
Sexual violence is a profound human rights violation and public health problem. Patriarchy, anti-woman attitudes and rape myths fuel this epidemic and the way in which survivors are treated by the health, justice and police services. Criminal justice and heath systems globally often are unable or unwilling to effectively respond to the legal and emotional needs of survivors.
A review commissioned by Sexual Violence Research Initiative on the uses and impacts of medico-legal evidence in cases of sexual assault of adolescents and adults found that survivors of sexual violence frequently choose not to report their assaults or are filtered out of criminal justice systems, resulting in low charge filing and conviction rates.
Download this review online at:
Appropriate management of survivors of sexual violence requires a standardized clinical evaluation, an effective interface with law enforcement for the handling of forensic evidence, and coordination for delivering of evidentiary requirements between a range of partners. The SVRI review highlights the striking lack of information and evaluative studies from which to assess the impact of medico-legal evidence on sexual assault cases.
By using the findings of the SVRI desk review and sharing regional experiences and models this workshop aims to strengthen the way in which the health and criminal justice systems intersect and respond to sexual violence.
This workshop is a collaborative activity between Liverpool VCT Care & Treatment, Sexual Violence Research Initiative and Gender Based Violence Prevention Network with support from the Hewlett Foundation.
This workshop aims at strengthening the medico-legal response to sexual violence through multi-disciplinary collaboration among organisations and partners in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa
- To share findings of the SVRI desk review, highlight regional innovation, share experiences, research findings and lessons learned in integrating medical and legal services in response to sexual violence.
- Identify gaps and opportunities in research, policy and service delivery.
- Examine alternative measures for enhancing justice for victims of sexual violence.
- Provide a platform to promote the creation of regional research networks, and advocacy programmes on strengthening medico-legal responses to sexual violence.
50 people from sub-Saharan Africa involved or interested in working on medico-legal responses to sexual violence
Criteria for participation:
- The participant should be undertaking research, responding to, or with the mandate to respond to (such as government/policy makers) medical and legal aspects of sexual violence and/or HIV/AIDS
- The participant should be located in Eastern, Central or Southern Africa
There will be a limited number of places per region. To gain an extensive understanding on this topic from we seek to invite people with a diversity of experience and knowledge in this field. If you think you meet these criteria and are available and interested in attending the workshop, please send us your CV along with a general expression of interest to attend by 22nd April 2008. The expression of interest should be no longer than one page and should include your contact details, area of work and experience. Participation will be by invitation only.
Participant registration costs will be covered, but where possible travel and accommodation costs should be sponsored by your organisation or yourself. Full or partial scholarships are available. Please indicate in your covering letter whether your organisation/employer/yourself will arrange your funding; if you require a full scholarship or if you will cover your travel costs if awarded a bursary for tuition and accommodation. Funding to attend this convening will be considered on a case to case basis.
Contact person:
All communication and online submission of required documentation should be done through:
Jessica Kizungu
4TH Public Health Association of South Africa (PHASA) 2008 Conference
Realizing Alma Ata's Vision in the 21st Century
What will it take?
Good news
Abstract deadline extended due to large volumes of interest received. Last day for submission is Friday, 28 March 2008. No exceptions will be made after this date.
All abstracts submitted will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Thereafter confirmation of abstracts for oral or posters will be confirmed with applicants on the 14 April 2008.
Deadline Dates
Early Registration deadline extended – 18 April 2008
Bursary submission deadline extended – 14 April 2008
The Bursary applicants will be notified by Friday, 18 April 2008
Sponsorship opportunities are now available!!! Check web for specific requirements v
Keynote speaker
Dr Sundararam is our keynote speaker from India. He will be sharing his experience on Primary Health Care in a Developed country with us!!! v
Exciting Workshops listed!!!
Conference dates
The conference will be held on 2 - 4 June 2008
- 2 June 2008: Workshops
- 3 & 4 June 2008: Conference
Conference Venue
Southern Sun Cape Sun, Cape Town, South Africa
Conference Themes
Evidence for action and evidence of action, epidemiology, health informatics, qualitative research and policy choices, Health in context, which looks at issues around environments, communities and households. Necessity and invention, novel approaches and successes in primary health care.
Conference Registration
Registrations costs have been posted on our conference web site. Reminders will be sent to delegates on a regular basis as well as web updates. Please note we will have early and late registrations costs as well as student early and late registrations.
The Organising Committee will be awarding prizes to the best ORAL & POSTER presenters. v
Should you have any further enquiries regarding the conference, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers on the following contact Mandy Salomo on +27 21 938 0433 or email:
Canadian Summer Institute for New Global Health Researchers
Request for Letters of Interest
The Canadian Coalition is pleased to announce the call for applications for the 5*th Summer Institute for New Global
Health Researchers, to be held in partnership with Network Environments for Aboriginal Research BC of the University of
Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The Summer Institute will be held at the Quw'utsun' Cultural and Conference
Centre located in the Cowichan Valley, in the southeast corner of Vancouver Island from July 16-23, 2008. Please visit the
CCGHR website for more information, including the guidelines and application.
Mainstreaming Emergency Contraception In Africa
Dear Member,
On behalf of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, ECafrique is pleased to award USD$100,000 for work on mainstreaming
emergency contraception (EC) in Africa in 2008.
Objectives: These grants are intended to: 1) increase access to EC across Africa by supporting projects intended to introduce,
scale-up or mainstream the method; and 2) build the capacity of African non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to design, implement
and evaluate successful mainstreaming projects.
Program Description: Successful applicants will receive technical and financial support from ECafrique throughout the life of
their project, typically one year in duration. Grantees will be invited to attend an international proposal-development workshop
(in April or May 2008), where letters of interest will be expanded into full project proposals. Funding will be awarded on a
competitive basis to this pool in July.
Grants will range from $25,000 to $30,000 with approximately 3-4 awards distributed in 2008.
Priorities: Letters of interest are welcomed from all African NGOs. Priority will be given to organizations without a direct
international affiliation and applicants from Francophone Africa.
Application guidelines: Please submit a 1-2 page letter of interest which includes the following:
- Organizational contact information
- Name and contacts of the Executive Director or President of the organization
- Name and contacts of the project director
- Project objectives
- Proposed activities
- Anticipated budget
- Institutional capacity statement, including overall budget
Letters can be submitted in either English or French. No formal proposals will be accepted.
Submissions will be accepted by email, courier or post and must be received by ECafrique no later than February 15, 2008.
Invitations to the proposal development workshop will be issued by March 30, 2008.
Please send letters of interest to:
ECafrique Population Council
PO Box 17643, 00500
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 (0) 20271-3480/3
For more information, please contact Lucy Nganga