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Migration & Immigration

  • Asia-Pacific Migration Research Network (APMRN), UNESCO
    The Asia Pacific Migration Research Network (APMRN) is a project accepted under the Management of Social Transformation (MOST) programme of UNESCO. The focus of this project is the long-term role of migration and increased ethno-cultural diversity as major factors in the social transformation of the societies of the Asia-Pacific Region. This site provide you with working papers, publications, and update newsletter of the Asia Pacific Migration Research Network.

  • Center for Migration Studies of New York
    The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) publishes International Migration Review and other publications on migration, refugees, and ethnic groups. Its web site features access to the searchable CMS library and archives, as well as information on current projects and services and additional links.

  • European Migration Information Network
    European Migration Information Network (EMIN) is a web-based system designed to provide "one-stop-shopping" for information on international migration for a wide range of users. In this site, you will find a directory of European Documentation Centres that hold migration information, information on obtaining database information on availability of European international migration and asylum data, and links to other migration-related centers and networks.

  • Mexican Migration Project
    The Mexican Migration Project is a collaboration of researchers from the Departamento de Investigacion sobre Movimientos Sociales of the University of Guadalajara and the Population Studies Center of the University of Pennsylvania to understand the process of migration from Mexico to the United States. Their data set of the 71 communities they surveyed in Mexico and the United States is available free on their website. You must register to obtain the data sets.

  • Migration Dialogue
    Migration Dialogue promotes an informed discussion of the issues associated with international migration by providing unbiased and timely information on immigration and integration issues. Within this site, you will find archives, data, seminar reports and links on Migration News, Rural Migration News, Opinion Leader Seminars, Comparative Migration Policy Research, and California Rural Welfare Database.

  • Migration Information Source
    Created by the Migration Policy Institute, this site is an on-line resource for timely and accurate data and analysis on migration and refugee issues. The Global Data Center allows you to generate tables, create graphs, and follow trends in migration around the world. Other features include country profiles, US in focus, a glossary, press releases, events calendar, news and interviews.

  • Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), International Migration Homepage
    International Migration is based on a continued monitoring of migration movements and policies in Member countries and outside the OECD area, and in-depth analysis of the economic and social aspects of migration. This includes the role of migration in alleviating labor shortages, links between migration, demography and economic growth, and the fiscal impact of migration.

  • Push and Pull Factors in International Migration (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute and EUROSTAT)
    Eurostat and the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) have collaborated on this project to study the push and pull factors of international migration. They have focused on migration from the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean region and from Sub Saharan Africa to the European Union. The results of this study was published in Statistics in Focus in February 2001. This website contains a summary of the results of their study and information on how to contact the research teams.

  • Southern African Migration Project (SAMP)
    The Southern African Migration Project is a multi-faceted research, policy and training programme designed to facilitate the formulation and implementation of new initiatives on cross-border population migration in Southern Africa. This site provides you with migration news, documents, events, resources, and links to other related sites.