Univeristy of Washington
Packard Foundation
Gates Foundation
Public Health
Public Affairs
The PLP empowered my leadership skills & taught me how to work
in multi-disciplinary, multi-national groups
- Ms. Kawther Alaa El Din Badri, Sudan
Census & Statistics |
Population Centers |
Electronic Journals |
Migration |
Reproductive Health |
Research Topics
Reproductive Health
Adolescent and Child Health
- Kids Count
KIDS COUNT is a national and state-by-state project of the Casey Foundation to
track the status of children in the United States. The website includes
interactive databases of child well-being indicators, Census 2000 data on
children, and full-text publications. Topics include child poverty,
international child well-being, and at-risk children.
Reproductive Health Outlook: Adolescent Reproductive Health
Browse summaries of key information related to successful adolescent
reproductive health programs, youth-friendly services, and sexuality
education. Explore the extensive Annotated Bibliography and Links
sections. This site was developed through support from FOCUS on Young
Adults. The FOCUS on Young Adults program worked to improve the health and
well being of young adults in developing countries through the creation
and strengthening of effective reproductive health initiative.
Teen Pregnancy
The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy is a nonprofit,
nonpartisan organization supported almost entirely by private donations.
The Campaign's mission is to improve the well-being of children, youth,
and families by reducing teen pregnancy. The Research, Resources and
Information section contains research and polling data, full-text
publications, and teen pregnancy and birth data.
Youth Net
YouthNet is a global, USAID-sponsored program to improve reproductive
health and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS among people 10 to 24 years old.
The site includes information about peer eduction, reproductive health,
adult-youth partnerships, behavior change communication, and more.
Contains full-text articles and reports, training curricula, FAQs and
links to the former FOCUS on Young Adults project publications.
Women's Health Organizations and Resources
Reproductive Health Organization links page
Resources page links to online papers and several databases relevant to
harmful reproductive health practices, primarily female genital mutilation
United Nations Development Fund for Women
Resource archive gives access to 50+ papers on topics of interest to
United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).
Implementing the Safe Motherhood Action Agenda: A Resource Guide
"...a compilation of web-based resources related to safe motherhood; a listing
of relevant journals that focus on topics relevant or related to
reproductive health; and lists of donor and technical agencies active in
safe motherhood, describing the types of assistance that they offer and
information on how to contact them."
Engender Health
HTML versions of Engender Health Update and Engender Health Working Papers.
United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women
The Meetings & Documentation page contains relevant reports from the Secretary
General as well as publications from expert group meetings, panels,
colloquiums, forums, and workshops.
The Jerusalem Center for Women/Bat Shalom
Provides bibliographic and statistical databases. The statistical database
consists of gender specific indicators on education, employment, health
and nutrition, political participation and decision making, and law and
legal process.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Region-Specific Reproductive Health Sites
Africa Action
Links page includes 30+ documents from the Africa Policy Information Center (APIC).
National Family Health Survey, India
"Providing state and national information for India on fertility, infant
and child mortality, the practice of family planning, maternal and child
health, reproductive health, nutrition, anemia, and utilization and
quality of health and family planning services."
UNDFW East and Southeast Asia
Online fact sheets, technical papers, newsletter archive, and other resources.
Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization
Provides Atlas of Inequities, Basic Health Indicators, Core Health Data,
Country Health Profiles, Trends & Situation Analysis. Other databases
available, links to multimedia publications, technical documents, and
other resources.
HIV InSite
Large database, also provides political analysis and country- and region-specific research.
European Database on AIDS
"A bibliographic database focused on grey literature and educational material
produced by a group of European documentation centers specialized in AIDS
and HIV infection."
The Body
An information resource with HIV/AIDS information in over 500 topic areas.